Oppo Vs Esoteric

I would like to acknowledge the fact that I have heard the Esoteric players at AXPONA and coupe of other places. But my question is how much better is a Esoteric K-07X or K-05X compared to the Oppo UDP-205? I know that the Oppo UDP-205 is a killer machine for $1300. But it is a Jack Of All Trades, while the Esoteric is (soft of) Master Of One. So in that sense, can anyone let me know if it is really worth spending $$$$$ on the Esoteric (or a Marantz SA-10 or Luxman) compared to the Oppo?
Please share your experiences if you have compared the Oppo UDP-205 to any high end CD/SACD player.
I owned an Esoteric UX-3pi for 8 years and was very happy with it. Recently I purchased an Oppo Udp-205 and am surprised how good it sounds. I'd say check it out and determine how you feel for yourself. 
This worshipping of all things Oppo by the press has become really ridiculous. I'm in the market for a good sacd player, and find the hype annoying.
Has anyone compared these higher end CD players to any of the tube modified players?  For example the Marantz sa8005 with modwright tube analog output stage mods? Puts the marantz cd player around $4k all in.