Apple Airport Express and Cambridge Audio DAC issue

Previously I was streaming internet music (mostly Tidal) via Apple TV >> TosLink >> Cambridge Audio Azur 851D (preamp and DAC). Recently, I replaced the Apple TV with an Apple Airport Express (bought a couple of weeks ago). I also had to buy a Toslink-to-mini adapter because the jack on the Apple AE only takes 3.5mm.

Unfortunately, I ran into a major problem. The music plays for a few seconds but then a loud, screeching noise interrupts the flow. I'm facing the same problem even if I stream music stored on my computer (iTunes). Bear in mind, that I've never experienced this problem when using the Apple TV in the chain.

I'm not sure if it's due to a mismatch in the clocks of the Apple AE and Azur 851D or what. I would like to know if someone else has faced this issue before, and if so, what did you do to fix it. 
@hifiman5  Sorry, I should have been more clear. Yes, I do have an Airport Extreme serving as the base station. The AE is already configured to extend the signal. Other than the issue with streaming music, it's working fine otherwise. So connectivity is not an issue.
I hesitate to say this but I think my experience might be useful. I have had many Apple products. IMACs, Ipods, 4 MacBook Pros and an Ipad. But the Airports have been a huge problem. I had three and an Express. They last about 1 year, and I had replaced them until last year I switched to Netgear brand. I could not figure the fail rate on those routers from Apple...
I have had apple routers forever and they last for years and years, I actually have never heard of an apple router going bad!
as for the apple express, if it is anything like the older versions, you are extremely limited in the todlink bandwidth (16/44) which diminishes SQ. Normally toslink can support 24/96 which is also limiting in today's ability to play dsd or 24/192.