Wilson Audio Duette 2's vs Tekton Ulf's

Help...I am going crazy reading the Tekton DI forum.  And now there are comments regarding the Ulf.  I have a pair of Wilson Audio Duette 2's.  I have two Triad Silver in wall Subwoofers to complement the bass from the Duette 2's.  My integrated tube amp is Raven Audio Reflection MK2 with 58wpc.  That combination has been absolutely awesome for me in a room that is 30'wide x 40' long.  Yes, I know not the perfect listening room but the music that comes out of my system sounds like a concert hall.  In addition, I have a Lumin A-1 DAC / Music Streamer and a Synology hard drive for music storage.  I love my system.  This is strictly 2- channel as I have a separate dedicated theater room also.  

Originally, for fun I was going to buy the Tekton DI and just compare them to the Duette 2's.  I figured I would compare the two speakers and sell the ones that I did not like as much.  Yes, they are two totally different speakers.  Then, the Ulf's came out and Eric said they blow the doors off of the DI's.  Naturally, I am interested in the Ulf's.  However, in this situation, I would need to sell my Duette 2's before ordering the Ulf's.  Am I crazy?  I am comparing the Duette's that cost $23k vs a Tekton Mini or Ulf at $7.5k to 12k.  

I live in the Phoenix area.  If there are any audiophiles out here that would not mind listening to my current system and telling me what you think I would love to hear your comments.  It is very hard for me to give an objective opinion on my system.  Like I said I love it....but like all of us, if there is a way to improve it we do it.  I just don't know if the Tekton Ulf's are an upgrade over my Wilson's.
i went in another direction.  Because I had no opportunity to listen to the Tekton ulf,  I did go listen to sonus faber.  I compared the sonus faber to the Wilson Alexia.  For me the Sonus Faber Amati Tradition sounded better than the Alexia's.  I purchased them.  Unfortunately for me the person who was buying my Duette 2's backed out after I arranged the shipping. Needless to say I was upset.  I would not have spent the $32k on the Sonus Fabers had I known that.  My music now is a big step up.  I did talk to teajay and he is reviewing the ulf's now.  He basically said no speaker compares to it. 
I just could not wait for either the ulf or legacy aeris.  
Good. I’m really glad you found something you liked. Sonus was one of the brands that I heard quite a bit of also. They did not make it to my finals list, but they were nice (to my ears anyway). You were right not to buy something until you could at least hear something in the same family. It is a shame that they are hard to find right now. They are really good speakers. Enjoy the new Sonus!! You should still hear the Aeris when you can btw. To me, there was no comparison between the Sonus and the Aeris, but that’s just me. And the Aeris cost less on top of it. I’m not an owner, but as you can tell, I really liked them.
So there you have it. You just thoroughly trounced the OP's buying decision. But that's just you, right????
I'm glad you found the speakers you love and give us a update after everything is dialed in.I haven't heard that model in the sonus lineup and would value your thoughts.

I'm sorry to hear about the buyer backing out of the deal,I've had that happen to me also so I can relate to your frustration.Hopefully a respectable buyer will come along.

Thx Kenny.. I already have 60 hours of listening and I can tell you the sound is like being in a perfect theater hall.  Even though the accoustics are awful in my room, these speakers provide a warm and open soundstage.  They can rock and they can lay back.  I listen to all kinds of music so I will not be fatigued listening like I would with Magico, as an example.  
Vitop ----yah, I get the money difference between the Aeris and the SF and the Ulf's.  It was one of those decisions where I made a little money in the stock market and said why not.