Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?

If yes, tell us about it. 

i want to meet wolfgarcia and tablejockey!
Actually, wolfie is not ALLOWED out w/o a "chaperone" AND a GPS bracelet! I’ve met a few members...Trelja, had a few listening sessions w dougdeacon and others, met Atmasphere and Albertporter at shows, a few others briefly buying and selling gear. All good folks.  I heard geoffkaitt doesn't go out because he is afraid  Schroedenger's cat won't let him back in the house. ;-)
I’ve had several members come to my house to listen to my system. Every visit went well. We talked about our different experiences as audiophiles and different equipment. 

I accompanied Brooks Berdan to the Vegas CES in the mid-90's to early 2000's, and spoke with Ralph Karsten and Michael Green there. If you saw a longhair at those CES', it was either one of them or myself. I believe Ralph has chopped off his freak flag, and Michael Green has gained so much weight he is unrecognizable, leaving me the last hippie standing ;-).
Wolfgarcia, if you're listening, you're on my list of those to meet before I die. ;)

I've virtually "met" folks only online and nearly every one was interesting and worthy of talking the hobby in person, but I've never done that. 
I've met the ones that I had to go pick up purchases from...or the ones that came to my house to pick up purchases from me.  Those were merely transactions...not much socializing.  Normally the transaction is completely done in 5 minutes or less.

Otherwise, I've never met a member outside of doing a transaction in person.