Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?

If yes, tell us about it. 

i want to meet wolfgarcia and tablejockey!
Actually, wolfie is not ALLOWED out w/o a "chaperone" AND a GPS bracelet! I’ve met a few members...Trelja, had a few listening sessions w dougdeacon and others, met Atmasphere and Albertporter at shows, a few others briefly buying and selling gear. All good folks.  I heard geoffkaitt doesn't go out because he is afraid  Schroedenger's cat won't let him back in the house. ;-)
I’ve had several members come to my house to listen to my system. Every visit went well. We talked about our different experiences as audiophiles and different equipment. 

I accompanied Brooks Berdan to the Vegas CES in the mid-90's to early 2000's, and spoke with Ralph Karsten and Michael Green there. If you saw a longhair at those CES', it was either one of them or myself. I believe Ralph has chopped off his freak flag, and Michael Green has gained so much weight he is unrecognizable, leaving me the last hippie standing ;-).
Wolfgarcia, if you're listening, you're on my list of those to meet before I die. ;)

I've virtually "met" folks only online and nearly every one was interesting and worthy of talking the hobby in person, but I've never done that.