Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?

If yes, tell us about it. 

i want to meet wolfgarcia and tablejockey!
Through my local audio club I have met dgarretson and rcprince. Dave Garretson is a really nice guy and he is very knowledgable about all things audio. RCPrince is the former president of our local audio club, and is very passionate about classical music. He was formerly on the board of the NJSO, and performed in a local choir. He is also a wonderful person; extremely giving and generous. I also have met Johnny Rutan - aka "audioconnection". Johnny is the owner of Audio Connection, a great b&m store in Verona, NJ. I have purchased a few small itrems from him, and also used his service facilities. Not only is he a gentleman, he really knows his stuff. I also met a member who sold me one of my Vandy 2Wq subs, and another chap who sold me the M5-HP crossovers for them, but I cannot recall their names (it was years ago), as I picked up both in person.  Both nice guys.  It is not impossible that I know a few more, but do not know their real names. Our club has about 70 members.
Without too much log-rolling, I’ll confirm that Bondmanp (aka Phil) and rcprince (aka Russ) are nice guys with a strong commitment to the hobby and its social network. Also sbank (aka Spencer), President of the Philadelphia Audio Group! There are probably others I have met at club meetings and shows, but without knowing their Agon monikers.
-Rob Gordon
-Barry Bud
-Harry Caul
-Pablo Paul
-Kubla Dennis

Just off the top of my head.


I have met many agoner's in the past 15 years.
Being in NY has certain advantages.
The last was a drop off (amps) on W 57th St. 2 weeks ago.
The first was a pick up (amp) on W 59th St. about 15 years ago & there have been many, many in between including dealing with 3 women/ladies!
I am still in contact with a few over the years & value their friendship immensely. 
We've gone on lunches (Katz's deli) & dinner a few times & had some great conversations.
Thanks for the post as it has brought back some very fond memories!

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