System Upgrade Recommendations

Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for feedback for upgrading my system.  I'm just getting into HiFi and wanted to get some feedback from audio enthusiasts.  I think I'm basically done with my Home Theater setup, but would like to improve my 2 Channel listening experience.  I listen to music about 50% of the time, watch 2-Channel TV 30% of the time, and watch 5.1 movies, TV about 20% of the time.

I have the following set-up and about $2k to update the system and will have another $2k in 6 months:
  • Magnepan 1.7i Speakers
  • Marantz SR6010 Receiver
  • Rel T-7 Sub
  • MartinLogan Motion 4 Surrounds
Per the Maggie Dealer, I need to properly amp my maggies and the SR6010 doesn't fully cut it and I agree.  His setup sounds better on 1.7i's than mine does (He is using a $20k+ setup from source to speaker).

I'm debating on putting all $2k into a stereo amp, then $2k into a pre-amp with HT Bypass and music source in 6 months or splitting the $2k into an integrated amp with HT Bypass and a music source now.

I currently play my music via Spotify Connect through my receiver and don't have a music collection at all.  If I move away from Spotify (which I want to) I need to re-allocate some of my equipment funds towards purchasing a music collection (CD, Vinyl, or Digital) or reallocate $250/year of my equipment funds to a Tidal Premium subscription.  I plan on putting a Vinyl collection in the future (1+ years from now) but I don't feel that my current setup will benefit from Vinyl.

How would you spend $2k to improve my 2-Channel listening experience?  Any recommendations on specific equipment that I should listen to?
I'd buy a good SS amp to drive the Maggies (I use an old Sunfire on my 3.7i's).  Maybe a NuForce.

I'd work on room tmts. - not spendy and you can DIY a lot of it; can take time.

So buy a copy of the Master Handbook of Acoustics (or check out from your library).

I would then explore the very best CDs or SACDs based on reviews of which are the best masterings/recordings of music you like - there are some threads here and Steve Hoffman forum has lots of listening opinions.

I'm not familiar with the age or SQ of that Marantz but all Marantz products are well regarded for their niche.  But I would think hard about a good DAC.  Teac and Oppo Sonica (or an Oppo universal disc player which has the guts of the Sonica in it).

Streaming services to consider are Tidal and Roon.

I think the above is inside your 2k budget.  
I would contact Johnny Rutan (aka: Audioconnection) via PM.
He can give you some great advice as far as amps go. 
Heck, he gives great advice. 
Read the reviewer articles on your Maggie 1.7s....note which amps they used to make them sing.  Reviewers typically try various types of amps, tubes, SET, high power SS etc. and settle on one as the best match for the Maggies. 

Also note which cables they used.
I had to make a similar choice some years back and decided I liked to listen to music much more than building a Home Theater.

Here is just one idea, of many, you could entertain.

Sell your ML speakers and keep your Marantz SR6010 if you really like it. Find an Energy 5.1 Take Classic Home Theater system speaker package for your Home Theater. It’s a great system with a set of 6 speakers that include a sub. It will be a tonal match for all speakers and perfect for a surround experience. It costs a total of $300 on amazon.
Now that is your home theater system. You can now build a hi-if system with the remaining $4,500. If you will want both an analog and a digital hi-if stereo, look at the Parasound Halo integrated. It has a great power supply and you can connect your Rel sub to it to blend well with your Maggie’s. Now get the Bluesound Node 2. This system will leave money leftover for a turntable and will be a great way to stream music. Alternatively, you can get the Bluesound Vault 2 to rip all your CDs into the device and create FLAC files but not much leftover for a turntable. It is also a streaming device. Either component can be your digital front end. Parasound Halo Integrated - $2,500, Bluesound Node 2 - $500, Bluesound Vault 2 - $1,200.

This can all be done for around $3.3 to $4k The more $$ if you are able to get for the ML surrounds will be additional money toward any other HT speaker package or a turntable you may want.
Think your approach of a dedicated stereo amp/pre or integrated is an excellent one assuming your Marantz has preamp outs.  I did that for years before I got a dedicated listening room.  Best of both worlds and your Maggies will greatly reward you for it.  BTW, no need to limit yourself to units with HT bypass.  If you just set the 5.1 balance with the stereo pre at a known reference point (I used 12:00 to make it easy) it works fine and you'll have tons more options to choose from.  Just need to remember to lower volume on stereo preamp when switching back to 2-channel listening.  Best of luck.