Hello Mazikrav,
Kenny provided you with excellent recommendations given your stated listening biases. Kenny sent me his First Watt S.I.T. 40 watt push pull amplifier and I've had the pleasure of using it the past few weeks. It is simply a terrific effort by Nelson Pass, pure class A design. It is one of the very best sounding solid state amplifiers I've heard (and that is a large number believe me). Unassuming appearance but fabulous sound quality is my summary of it.
If I were to go down the transistor amplifier pathway this First Watt would be near the top of a very short and selected list. I believe that this particular amplifier or something quite similar to it would make you happy and utterly satisfied. I also believe that you'd love the Pass Labs XA 30.8 as Kenny mentioned above.
Kenny provided you with excellent recommendations given your stated listening biases. Kenny sent me his First Watt S.I.T. 40 watt push pull amplifier and I've had the pleasure of using it the past few weeks. It is simply a terrific effort by Nelson Pass, pure class A design. It is one of the very best sounding solid state amplifiers I've heard (and that is a large number believe me). Unassuming appearance but fabulous sound quality is my summary of it.
If I were to go down the transistor amplifier pathway this First Watt would be near the top of a very short and selected list. I believe that this particular amplifier or something quite similar to it would make you happy and utterly satisfied. I also believe that you'd love the Pass Labs XA 30.8 as Kenny mentioned above.