Many thanks to Charles, and jetter:
Jetter, when I had the ST 70 I was pleased at the beginning, but soon the tubes degenerated, the caps (or whaever) began to crackle and I had i rebuilt. Unfortunately, that only revealed a cerain dullness at the top and a mush at the bottom. My dog once burned himself on the tubes and I never could keep he doggon thing biased. I knew how popular it is and how many folks have modded it for love or money, At that point, however, I decided that the amp was a means and not an end. So I tried a Bryston B-60 and lived with it's flat harshness for a couple o years. Finally I read Nelson Pass's articles about "the first watt and that's my story to date.
The closest I've gotten to anything electronic was changing the caps on an old pair of Spica TC-50's which I gave to Eric Alexander to excite his curiousity. (BTW the ST-70's had a bad habit of burning tweeters on my Paragon Jubilees which are still languishing at Aris Audio here in Salt Lake City.
Only a bottom feeder's personal journey. It might be interesting to hear how others have reached the rarified air of electronics worthy of Tekton Design.
Charles, thanks for your confirmation of Kenny's recommendations. Do you (or anyone) have first hand experience with the Lyngdorf 2170?
It seems that this Danish firm also sells a stand alone amp without the equalization doo-dads, or am I off base.
I envy you folkis who are able to trade gear, but coveting is one of the Big Ten