Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

Just wanted to thank Charles and Mac for running exactly the listening experiment I wanted to read about from my comments earlier in the thread.  Much appreciated... and a lovely thread all around.  Super informative.
You are right regarding the popularly of the Dyna ST 70 amplifiers, Yes modification can improve them up to a certain point, agreed. I didn’t have the difficulties with mine as Muzikrav experienced. My only point is that you can proceed "-far" beyond the scope of what the Dynaco has to offer . I believe that Kenny was making this same observation as well.

The Dyna ST 70 is very affordable and allows one to experiment with various upgrade projects and learn but IMO it has limitations compared to other options. I would say it does have a nice midrange but has obvious weaknesses in bass and upper frequencies, and other areas.

You can go further with better quality tube power amplifiers, much further. I would not use this amplifier as an adequate example when comparing the merits of what tubes provide sonically versus solid state amplifiers.
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Hi Cal,
You are welcome. Despite my Frankenstein MK II having only an 8 and 16 ohm speaker taps it did sound marvelous driving the 4 ohm Double Impacts. It does make me wonder that  the current Frankenstein with 4 ohm taps would very likely improve the quality of sounnd even further.