Maplenoll Setup

I have a Ariadne Maplenoll turntable given to me by a friend. He had stored it in his garage for more than a few years and was looking for someone who would properly set it up and love it! Being disabled, setting the turntable up has been a slow-moving project but its now moving to the top of my list.

When I got it, it had what I suspect is a line filter in the pipeling before the tank (and one I think after the tank). When I tried, I could not blow air through either of the filters, they seemed clogged. I looked to replace them but I obviously do not know what to buy (or where to buy them). Can someone point me in the right direction for where to buy a replacement? I have scanned aquarium sites with no luck.

I am sure once I get the tubing worked out I will have a whole new set of questions!

Neal--Where do you live? if you are reasonably close to Indianapolis, i will see if i can come by. If not, shoot me a couple of pictures of your set up and then we can work through the troubleshooting. I had been out of touch recently with vacation, hence missed your post. These are a little fussy getting set up properly, but once set up, they really are not too fussy. The key to these tables are level setup (both arm and platter), then a clean dry air supply. Depending on your model (ie white Ariadne--reference or the grey Ariadne--signature) and the weight of the platter, the air supply pressure will be different at the arm(it loves high pressure) and the platter(low pressure--1-5psig depending on platter weight). I will send you a PM to my email to send the pics.