@seikosha Thanks for the Quicksilver mid mono recommendation. I have seen Quicksilver listings, but have never heard them personally. Can you PM me with your impressions? I don't want to go off track here in the DI thread. Thanks.
@sbayne Vinnie Rossi products have always been of interest. I did hear his LIO paired with Harbeth. His modular all in ones are a great way to go and keep things very simple in terms of components, cabling, etc. Something I should keep in mind, just like the TDAI 2170.
@mac48025 Thanks for the offer on your Decware amp. I have been open to Steve's products for some time now, but some of the feedback here and the findings that other amps are 'better' pairings with the DIs give me pause. I like what he does and what he offers at his asking prices.
As you know based on our discussions, Aric's KT120 is a leading choice for me as well. It will be great hearing your take on his work once it's in your system.