Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
Tom, it’s actually you who can’t keep the argument straight. I am not (rpt not) lumping everything together. Far from it. Did you conveniently forget? I have always argued that both isolation and some combination of damping and draining of energy away from the system are important. It’s you who is lumping everything together by dismissing or ignoring isolation and putting all your ducks in the grounding/coupling bucket. If LIGO had blinders on like you do they couldn’t have been able to observe gravity waves. Come on over to the good guys. You bought into the whole Michael Green "Let the vibrations free to roam around the room" silliness long enough. Enough is enough. You’ve been a good soldier. You can come out now. The war is over. 🎉
You advocate blunt force solutions such as springs and damping which blinds you from looking and understanding how energy runs and then returns thru solids and their intersecting  boundaries.  Keep looking.


Say whatever you like, but Tom's products work amazingly well. End of story!

I never said they didn't. That's neither here nor there. But I'm sure Tom appreciates the support. He certainly can use it. 😬
Note that if you play an instrument like a guitar (uke, mandolin, violin) you should play while standing on some sort of spikes unless you are so fat you can absorb the extraneous sound before it goes into the floor.