I bought a cheap HDMI cable from http://www.mcminone.com/search.asp?keyword=hdmi+cable
for about $25 while I was waiting for a much more expensive back-ordered cable.
Finally got the back ordered cable, hooked it up. Unhooked it and returned it.
No difference. This surprised me.
Note: if your TV back is not accessible once the TV is in place, tape your HDMI cable in place as they have a tendancy to loosen as the hold is not very tight.
I do hear a lot of different opinions on how good HDMI really is, so make your own mind up. I am not that convinced it is really any better. But I also think the CRT TV has a better picture than the 50" plasmas I have owned!!!! HD or not.
for about $25 while I was waiting for a much more expensive back-ordered cable.
Finally got the back ordered cable, hooked it up. Unhooked it and returned it.
No difference. This surprised me.
Note: if your TV back is not accessible once the TV is in place, tape your HDMI cable in place as they have a tendancy to loosen as the hold is not very tight.
I do hear a lot of different opinions on how good HDMI really is, so make your own mind up. I am not that convinced it is really any better. But I also think the CRT TV has a better picture than the 50" plasmas I have owned!!!! HD or not.