Hey Grannyring,
Thanks for a very interesting field report! The two relatively minor criticisms of the DI's compared to your AZ Crescendo's, which I think are wonderful music makers that I have listened to many times, I believe are more based on grey9hound's room placement and upstream gear.
1) To have the DI's only 18 inches off the front wall would almost certainly negate them being able to produce a deep sound-stage or what you called depth in the sound-stage layering. I ran this experiment many times and to get the sound-staging/layering you were missing takes at least three feet off the front wall.
2) The DI's are more of a pure conduit then your Crescendo's which are voiced to be slightly warm/full, just like my old reference Lawrence Audio Cello's were, and what you were hearing in my opinion was the preamp and amplifier voicing not the DI's overall sonic signature. That's why my go to combo on the DI's, I think we have similar tastes, is either the Triode Labs SET 2A3 or the Aric Audio SET KT-88 driven by the Micro-ZOTL to get what you call, "more beautiful and lovely sound to my ears".
Sorry, there really is no P/P tube amplifier that gives you what a reference level SET provides in what you are referring to in your above quote. No offense to grey9hound's McIntosh MX151, however I find this preamp not to be very musical compared to other line-stages that I have auditioned.
In my professional review on the DI's one of the speakers I compared them to are your great Crescendo's that I love indeed, what you heard the DI's do better then the AZ speakers we agree on, the overall statement about not quite being as beautiful/lovely I believe is based more on the upstream gear then the DI's which are more neutral/transparent conduit then the AZ's and you heard the electronics more then the speakers.