Terry, you may be correct regarding utter transpancy, at least in part. I found the instruments and voices all clear, clean, and so close I could reach out and touch them. Sometimes all of this impact was all on the same sound plane. All of this marvelous resolution and bass impact was just a tad too stark for me. The recodings were put out before me in a stark way compared to Harbeth, Crescendos, and other speakers I have owned. Hope you understand that. Again, a personal thing. Yes, I notice you Tekton and now I want some privacy is how I felt at times. Other times I was having a ball tapping my feet and rocking my head.
It is, in my estimation, part of the DI speaker’s sound and personality. Sure, different gear upfront will add, subtract, tame or heighten the inherent personality of a speaker. However, based on my experience, a speaker will not completely stop being what it fundamentally is with gear and wire changes
I don’t like my gear too fast. I know this flies in the face of what many like and shoot for. The Crescendo lingers longer on notes and rolls along in a more romantic way. This is not just a reflection of the gear I front of them. Is this accurate? Who knows. I like it. They have this personality relative to the DI speakers. The Crescendos are not slow at all, but relative to the DIs they may be. Too much speed and resolution makes me nervous at times. 😊
The very name of the speaker implies exactly what the builder was after and designed for. He succeeded in a big way. This speaker has impact from head to toe and it does not go unnoticed. More impact. More.
I still need to hear them in my room with my gear to really know how they play on home field.
It is, in my estimation, part of the DI speaker’s sound and personality. Sure, different gear upfront will add, subtract, tame or heighten the inherent personality of a speaker. However, based on my experience, a speaker will not completely stop being what it fundamentally is with gear and wire changes
I don’t like my gear too fast. I know this flies in the face of what many like and shoot for. The Crescendo lingers longer on notes and rolls along in a more romantic way. This is not just a reflection of the gear I front of them. Is this accurate? Who knows. I like it. They have this personality relative to the DI speakers. The Crescendos are not slow at all, but relative to the DIs they may be. Too much speed and resolution makes me nervous at times. 😊
The very name of the speaker implies exactly what the builder was after and designed for. He succeeded in a big way. This speaker has impact from head to toe and it does not go unnoticed. More impact. More.
I still need to hear them in my room with my gear to really know how they play on home field.