What formats does the Yggdrasil DAC support?

I just ordered the Yggdrasil DAC. It won't actually ship until early October.
I'm wondering what formats it supports.
I know it doesn't support DSL, but does it support SACD?

All PCM formats are supported. (No SACD or DSD).

But I am curious about one thing: since I got the Gen 5 update the Yggy no longer plays 24-bit .wav or .aiff files from an Aurender N100H. Both companies point the finger at each other so I converted all my wav files to uncompressed flac via dBPoweramp.

Curious to see if your unit plays 24-bit uncompressed or if anyone else experienced the same.
I just ordered the Yggdrasil DAC. It won't actually ship until early October.

Hopefully that will be the case. I ordered *early August* and am still waiting. As I've posted in at least one other thread, they keep (at least three times) pushing out the back order date. Presumably the old adage "good things are worth waiting for" will apply here. :)

But I am curious about one thing: since I got the Gen 5 update the Yggy no longer plays 24-bit .wav or .aiff files from an Aurender N100H.


That is interesting/unfortunate to read. So are you saying that before you had your Yggy upgraded to Gen 5, it played wav 24 bit and after the upgrade no longer does? 

Any changes to the transport (Aurender or anything else)? And when you state it no longer plays the 24 wav, is thee some kind of symptom? (i.e. it plays but obviously not well, it doesn't produce any sound at all, the buy better gear light comes on, etc.)