Dear @inna : Seems to me that you already have very good answers about the high $$$$ for LOMC cartridges. I have nothing that can justify those high prices. The " problem " will follow be that always exist people to pay for it. This is the real " problem " for the 95% of the audiophiles that can't invest with those " crazy " prices. Such is life.
@whart , I understand that Air Tigth is a " brother " of the My Sonic Labs manufacturer this is that the AT comes as OEm from MSL. I like a lot MSL ones and heard ( not in my system. ) the AT Supreme and is really good too.
As you know tubes is a " forbidden " audio item for me, can't fulfill my MUSIC/audio targets but this is me.
In my experiences and everything the same LOMC cartridges beats overall MM/MI cartridges . Some people speaks that the LOMC cartridges has not the " coherence and weigth " like the MM ones but this depends mainly on the room/system and tonearm/cartridge set up accuracy levels.
Probably the only advantage behind MM cartridges is that does not needs a high gain active phono stage due to its higher output levels. This is a good thing for system with tubes but if what we want is true high quality levels the LOMC cartridges ( vintage or today ) is the way to go.
Am I saying that MM/MI are not good enough ?, no it's a good alternative and a different kind of sound but not as the LOMC quality levels.
I own several LOMC/MM/MI cartridges that through many years compare d it in between using same analog rig: everything the same. The very best MM/MI are very good and near the LOMC cartridge for a lot less money but all depends on each one MUSIC-sound targets and priorities.
As I said MM/MI is a good alternative, perhaps not for everyday but the ones that over their audio life only listened through LOMC cartridges it's worth to finally give a chance to the MM/MI alternative.
I have to say that there are audiophiles that doing comparisons in between choosed for the MM/MI alternative. Not me but you can try, it can helps as a very good spare unit.
In the same way that exist solid reasons why DD beats BD TT or digital beats analog or SS beats tube technologies there are reasons why the LOMC superiority. Yes, is the fancy high cost alternative, no doubt about.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,