Is this my imagination?


I was happy with sound stage until yesterday. Before SLI-80 and cd player was on the floor. Put SLI-80 integrated amp and CD player on the table yesterday ( about 2 feet table). Seem to me that the sound stage is not the same, seem like not big and solid sound stage like before. Nothing change but the table. Do you think is that my imagination or that table high have something to do with the sound.

Thank you,
Anytime you stick a big piece of furniture in between the speakers , your going to lose sound stage and depth and imaging!

I would get a less evasive audio rack, a skinny taller one if the sound change is bothering you that much.

Matt M
YEP!! :)

Try stuffing the floor between with illows and/or throwing a comfortor on top of the parts that aren't tubes. :)

Just for listening, this is a quick exercise.  Prove it to yourself. Also put stuff on the sides, those speakers are pretty close to the walls.

You could ask GIK to make custom floor standing panels, maybe half height? They would work a treat.
Ahhh, I thought the table was there before. Yeah, if you just put the table there and it wasn't there before, then the room acoustics will be different than when it wasn't between the speakers.

What I said about isolation still holds true as well.
You might consider decoupling your speakers from the floor. Vibrations from the speakers would not then travel to your components on the tables. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use vibration absorption materials under your components.

Visit Herbie’s Audio Lab..They have grungebuster feet for vibration absorption and they also have decoupling gliders for the spikes of your speaker bases.
Thank you everyone for your value input.  I will remove the table and will give you guys the feedback.