Cable Elevators - What do you use?

In the search for cable elevators I have found a wide variety of opinions, not only on what constitutes a scientifically smart elevator, but also, those who think it is all snake oil.

I use inverted yogurt cups spray painted flat black for maximum WAF on the speaker cables - should I be using them on power cables as well?

What do you use, or . . . .why not?
Otis. Stops at every floor I press.

Have tried them in both main and BR systems and never heard them make a whit of difference. Maybe the type of carpet of flooring one had makes a difference.

At the beginning of these posts I said that it doesn't make a difference....however....   I just tried the 1 1/2 in sections of toilet tissue under the speaker cables and actually do hear a difference.  The instruments are separated and not blurred (like wrong glasses prescription).   I'll go back and try it again, but as of now I'm a believer.   I noticed most high end cable has elaborate covering...mine is just 2 thin silver cables very lightly braided for each leg...that may be the difference.

1. Could you please explain " what constitutes a scientifically smart elevator"?

2. Is you background in electric engineering?
Quick shout out to LIGO gravity wave detection experiment for winning the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. Couldn't have done it without tremendous team of vibration isolation experts.