Why do Asian looks for old Wadia CDP at high price?

I recently sold my Wadia 861 for a Vietnamese at unbelievable price.  The question keep popping up on my mind why do Asians (Vietnamese) interested in the Wadia CDP too much even at very high price. Many nowadays CDP has better quality with up-to-date technologies on sound distortion deductions.

We have been used Wadia for around 2 decades ago and it's time to put them on retirement but they treat as treasures. I was so surprised about that. Wish I could have more Wadia CDP to sell to them in order to make some extra bucks.
There seems to be a solid group of members here who prefer 10-25 year old CD players and DAC’s
I'll have to assume that they believe the sound quality is superior to other alternatives.  I can’t come up with any other reasonable explanation. 
Yes agreed with Charles sound quality and also possibly a bit of a fascination with classic American brands? I certainly see some similar fascination with classic Asian, primarily Japanese, brands.