Looking to completely overhaul my preamp section, knowledgeable people needed!

Hi everyone, first time poster here and all that...

I'm looking to do a complete overhaul of my preamp section. I'm currently running a Schiit Modi Uber II as a DAC, a Schiit Mani as a phono stage, and a Schiit Sys as a glorified volume control. This is outputting to an Adcom GFA555 power amp (this will eventually be upgraded to an Odyssey Stratos), then to a pair of LSA 2.1 Signature speakers.

At the moment I am considering a Parasound Halo P5 as an all in one solution or a new Schiit stack (Freya, Gungir) if I stuck with separates, and possibly some of Pro-Ject's lineup (Prebox RS digital). I would like something that is solidly engineered and measures well, but I don't place *perfect* measurements above all else.

To the extent that these components effect sound, I really enjoy a wide soundstage and precise imaging. Low background noise is very important as well. In terms of usability, I definitely would like a remote, solid volume control, and fully balanced inputs and outputs. 

Finally, my budget is $2000 but would prefer to spend less. I would also consider used options. Thanks!!

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So first Auxinput, I took a look at some of those Audio-GD offerings and they look pretty great with really good measurements. Have you heard any of their products? Also, in general their product lines are a little confusing.

Stfoth, would you mind throwing together a short pros vs cons list for the Emotiva vs the Freya? It's an awesome coincidence that you happen to have both and it would be super helpful to get your take on them. I'm not a diehard tube guy (yet) but like the idea of being able to switch between passive and tube stages. I don't really need most of the features of the Emotiva per se, I'm *primarily* concerned with the sound quality.

I have not heard the Audio GD products, but they have a very positive feedback on other forums and review sites.  The general sonic signature seems to be very natural sounding without any harshness.  The different product lines relate to the type of DAC chip used.  They still have DACs that use the old PCM1704 ladder-based DAC chip.  They also have a new discrete R-2R resistor ladder DAC.  The product I mentioned above uses the new ESS Sabre 9038 pro DAC chips.

Here's a nice review that also talks about the internal architecture:


I brought up the Audio GD option because I think they have an excellent architecture.  Three fully independent linear power supplies for the digital section as well as each of the analog channels.  Nice large power supply capacitance with a lot of local capacitance next to the analog circuits.  Excellent digital clock selection.  Thick metal walls for isolating transformers and digital/audio sections.  Fully discrete Class A FET based analog output stages.

They are made in China and you have to order direct from China.  You can sometimes find a used Audio-GD item up for sale, but they are rare. The NFB-27.77 would be a very nice DAC/preamp.

As far as the discussion on the Emotiva XSP-1, I think I would rather get the Parasound P7.  The quality of the internal components (capacitors, etc.) are going to be much better on the Parasound.  It does have a phono preamp, but obviously it is missing a DAC.

Given that you are intending the purchase of a Odyssey Stratos amplifier, I would focus my search toward those preamps that would serve that amp well sonically (to your taste) and match well electronically. What is the input impedance of the Stratos? 

Though as stated above, I am a fan of using a tube pre with a SS amp, matching the pre to the amp regarding impedance is important. 

Your preamp/amp combo serves as the heart of your system and once the right combo is found it can be held onto for several years. Digital audio continues to change, I would prefer not to limit myself to the types of 'files' I might wish to play ( for me today that is redbook PCM, tomorrow who knows). Therefore I recommend purchasing a separate DAC.  
+1 on a separate DAC. I never understood the draw of a DAC integrated into a pre since, like @mesch said, the tech and standards change so frequently.