Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?

Since I have a slight grasp on the history or loudspeaker design. And what is possible with modern. I do wonder if we have really made that much progress. I have access to some of the most modern transducers and design equipment. I also have  large collection of vintage.  I tend to spend the most time listening to my 1930 Shearer horns. For they do most things a good bit better than even the most advanced loudspeakers available. And I am not the only one to think so I have had a good num of designers retailers etc give them a listen. Sure weak points of the past are audible. These designs were meant to cover frequency ranges at the time. So adding a tweeter moves them up to modern performance. To me the tweeter has shown the most advancement in transducers but not so much the rest. Sure things are smaller but they really do not sound close to the Shearer.  http://www.audioheritage.org/html/profiles/lmco/shearer.htm
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Well, all these questions go far beyond audio. Perhaps, nothing is ever new under the sun. I view speakers making as a fine art, unlike everything else in a chain, that is just art.
John, I think you stress the emotional component, which in my mind is also the most important. I heard a few fine instruments that didn't give that no matter who played them, and I heard other instruments that sounded a lot like the vintage design speakers you are talking about. And I heard two that got everything right. Custom acoustic guitars. I can't really play a guitar but I can strike a few accords. Wow, that was quite a sound. The other even much better guitar was played by Paco de Lucia - custom Conde Hermanos.
Something is being lost in modern sound reproduction, I think, and it cannot be compensated by anything.
kosst_amojan -Zonda is a evolution of whats considered the 1st sports car 1914 Vauxhall.  Zonda did not create the idea of a sporting car it evolved its design based on the many many sports cars before it. What are Zondas original  advancements to automobile  tech? Its just near the pinnacle of a very advanced vintage technology.