What Song, Album or Genre do you use to set up your speakers ?
I had moved my speakers back just one inch and had to re-angle them.
I tried to have them with as little angle as possible to get the widest soundstage possible, after several toe-ins I thought I had it until
Classical Sunday , it just didn't come together , I had to angle it in
1/2 more to get the Orchestra sounding like you are sitting
ten rows back center.
In a conversation with Prof I learned that he has his speakers
8 feet apart and listing position 6.5 to 7 feet away with little toe-in.
I have 8 feet apart and 8 feet from listing position ,
I had guessed a toe-in of 10 degrees but after measurements and mathematics it turned out to be 16.5 degrees toe-in .
Using the front of the speaker being the only straight side .
I guess that the difference is in the music that you listen to
as to setting the speakers position.
I listen to 70% rock 60's & early 70's , 10% folk 60's & 70's .
10% jazz 50's & 60"s and 10% classical 50's , 60's & 70's .
Something for all Thiel owners to talk about.
P.S. I had mentioned 2 songs that exhibit strong bass
I would like to add an album
Jefferson Airplane Crown Of Creation
What Song, Album or Genre do you use to set up your speakers ?
I had moved my speakers back just one inch and had to re-angle them.
I tried to have them with as little angle as possible to get the widest soundstage possible, after several toe-ins I thought I had it until
Classical Sunday , it just didn't come together , I had to angle it in
1/2 more to get the Orchestra sounding like you are sitting
ten rows back center.
In a conversation with Prof I learned that he has his speakers
8 feet apart and listing position 6.5 to 7 feet away with little toe-in.
I have 8 feet apart and 8 feet from listing position ,
I had guessed a toe-in of 10 degrees but after measurements and mathematics it turned out to be 16.5 degrees toe-in .
Using the front of the speaker being the only straight side .
I guess that the difference is in the music that you listen to
as to setting the speakers position.
I listen to 70% rock 60's & early 70's , 10% folk 60's & 70's .
10% jazz 50's & 60"s and 10% classical 50's , 60's & 70's .
Something for all Thiel owners to talk about.
P.S. I had mentioned 2 songs that exhibit strong bass
I would like to add an album
Jefferson Airplane Crown Of Creation