You raise interesting points regarding the AMT driver and the forward sound of the upper region. However, as a current owner of the Reference and former owner of the One I can tell you in my experience it is not "unnatural" or "ear-popping" by any means. Correct placement and/or room treatments is important though, but that too is the case with any speaker.
The OP claims he/she is looking for something in the 4 - 6K price range. Don't you think it's a bit unrealistic to even mention a Focal Utopia in this thread? If I'm not mistaken their top model is the grande utopia em and the MSRP on that is 200K or there about. If we come back down to earth, I still maintain anything in the GE Triton Tower line would be something for the OP to consider and would imagine (although I honestly can't say with first hand/ear experience) that the GE would best anything in the Focal line at the same price point.
You raise interesting points regarding the AMT driver and the forward sound of the upper region. However, as a current owner of the Reference and former owner of the One I can tell you in my experience it is not "unnatural" or "ear-popping" by any means. Correct placement and/or room treatments is important though, but that too is the case with any speaker.
The OP claims he/she is looking for something in the 4 - 6K price range. Don't you think it's a bit unrealistic to even mention a Focal Utopia in this thread? If I'm not mistaken their top model is the grande utopia em and the MSRP on that is 200K or there about. If we come back down to earth, I still maintain anything in the GE Triton Tower line would be something for the OP to consider and would imagine (although I honestly can't say with first hand/ear experience) that the GE would best anything in the Focal line at the same price point.