Crazy to buy a 17 year old CD Player?

My ARC CD2 just died...I think the laser finally gave up the ghost.  Any how I've got thousands of red book CDs in my library and need a replacement player.  I'm thinking an ARC CD 3MKII or the Mark Levinson 390S.  Am I crazy to be thinking this?  Got a budget of around $2000.00.  My system, though dated, is made up of higher end stuff: ARC 25 pre amp, ARC VT 150 mono amps, VPI TNT IV, Wilson Witts, all running through Transparent Reference (Balanced).
Much better off purchasing a more recent CD Player. Sound quality wise and you would think longevity wise will be a much saner purchase. For eg. a Vincent CD-S8 wipes the floor over those older ARC models and the like in sound reproduction.
@jafant it is a really good player. Throws a nicely placed soundstage and the highs are open an non offensive!

Forget about trying to get a low jitter signal from a CD player.  You have to spend at least $20K to achieve this.

You can get the same or better result by purchasing a cheaper CD player, even used, with S/PDIF output and reclock it with a good reclocker and then drive a good coax cable to your DAC.  Get a transport that is new enough to use the triple-laser technology.  Even cheap Blu-Ray will work if it has S/PDIF output.

CD transport - $300-400

Reclocker - $600

Coax cable - $250

total = $1250

Why don't you get a used OPPO?  Then you can view blu-ray movies as well.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

The OP is after quality Redbook CD playback. IME a standalone Oppo is unable to provide that.