Is it possible to buy a decent tube amplifier in the $2000-3000 range?

I have very efficient vintage  Dalquist DQ 20 speakers.
Am currently running them with monoblock NuForce class D amps.
Also vintage Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp.
Any suggestions, new or used for tube amp in the $2000-3000 range.

Rogue is a very good sounding amplifier. 

FWIW, I owned tubed gear for years- First a CJ amp, then Rogue. For the last 4 years I have owned Pass gear. Don't miss tubes one bit with the Pass stuff. Absolutely nothing missing musically. 

I do not agree that tubed gear sounds more powerful at equal ratings. What I think is going on is 2 things for anyone who hears it that way- 1- Damping factor- tubed gear tends to have low damping factor which can make the bass sound more robust and conversely, solid state bass can sound very tight, albeit lean. So, I am no fan of insanely high damping factors. 2- Clipping- tubes usually distort more gracefully. An overdriven tubed amp is going to sound better than an overdriven solid state amp. 
Overdriven amp is never a good idea, either ss or tube, even if the latter can be more tolerable. Amp should always have reserves of current and power. 
I investigated Rogue amplifiers.  There is a hybrid tube/class D "Hydra" model for about $3000 that I'm considering.  
Any opinions?
Had a Conrad Johnson pv9a with the mvs55. Needed a little more power and compared the rogue to prima luna.

I for one preferred the Rogue audio cronus magnum ii to the prima luna. Great amp and made in pennsylvania.
I think the Rogue more powerful  "Medusa" costing $1000 more would be better.