The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 
My current preamp and amp both made by Deja Vu Audio both acquired in 2006 and both still going strong today!
The oldest, most original, longest owned piece bought by audiophiles and music fans (music fans who buy gear-there is a difference!---they aren’t on this forum or any other!) probably:

The Linn LP 12 Turntable.

longest of current gear;

Studer A-820 RTR Master Recorder--10 years.

King-Cello tape repro output electronics--9 years

gear where i have simply upgraded to the newer version;

darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp-12 years (2005-2016-1st version, 2016-2017-2nd version)

gear i stepped up one model in the same brand line up;

darTZeel amps-13 years (108 stereo 04’-12’-----> 458 monos--12’-17’)

Evolution Acoustics Speakers-12 years (MM3 05’-12’-----> MM7 12’-17’)

so really for over a decade my system has had the same sonic viewpoint.


I do not think of it as old, but it is the longest. Just overhauled last year by a longtime Linn tech. LP 12/ 29yrs.

Plays the Tune