Is this an ugly speaker? TAS cover 10/2017

I thought the Wilson Audio Alex and Alexandria XLF was ugly, but now this. Not a good WAF.
Your opinion of the Wilson WAMM Master Chronosonic for $685k a pair?
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If you offer cash you can get these for $682,000. Wilson has that robot esthetic dialed in and I imagine these things sound fine…in the right room of course, and do they have a 30 day return policy? I want to see the look on the face of the audio shop owner when you return these things…"Sorry man, they just aren't up to my Foo Fighter vinyl…I crave the essence of a Trini Lopez." I'll wait until they come on the used  market and I can snap up a pair at maybe $500,000, or just wonder why I enjoy my relatively inexpensive gear as much as I do. I  assume I'm delusional…but it works for me.
I don’t have anymore cash leftover from getting these speakers for my source, amp and preamp. Has anyone tried hooking these Wilsons up to the external speaker output of an older Panasonic boombox? I do have some zip cord?
I can picture a cat scaling these things. ( This happened to a friend 35 years ago with a pair of Maggies). 
It is so bad we need to start talking about the HAF (husband acceptance factor)