D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?
Had a nice chance to compare the two top of the line offerings recently.  It was surprising how different they are in terms of presentation.  If anyone is interested, I wrote up a full report on my virtual system page.
Interesting comparison, bar81.  I, too, consider the Ayre Twenty series top-notch. I would not consider them inferior to D'Agostino or Audio Research electronics. Just different. My thoughts have both been documented in this thread, and in another called Ayre vs. Audio Research. My system sounded truly wonderful with all Ayre electronics. And it sounds absolutely magical now, with Audio Research and D'Agostino electronics.
I haven't heard the D'Agostino's but I have never hear Ayre's sound thin or lean except cold.


As a proponent of the Synergistic Black fuse in my Audio Research Reference 6, I was curious how the new Blue fuse would sound. Simply put, I do not like it in my system. It's as if some of the energy has been zapped from the presentation, especially in the highs. I'm going back to Black.
The D'Agostino has more meat on the bones.  I prefer that to the Ayre which is still very good but a little too polite for my tastes.

Both are excellent.