Support table or shelf for turntable

I was hoping to replace my oak table with either a wall mounted shelf of a heavy steel table.
The reason is that I am finding that the oak is picking up and transmitting vibrations to the turntable, a Garrard 401 in a birch ply plinth. I am hoping to move to a slate plinth and wanted to maximize the support strength and reduce feedback.
Here is a link to the shelf and here is a link to the table. Both examples of what I'm looking at.
Shelf would be mounted to concrete wall. Table would stand on concrete floor.
@noromance ha! Yeah, the wooden balls are a little misleading. I sanded divots in the platform to keep them in place and they have some Teflon tubing inserted into a hole in the top that goes into the bottom of my TT plinth to keep everything stationary and still allow a bit of wiggle. I mostly did that because I removed the power supply and motor from the plinth and mounted them on a wood and granite mount I made. That necessitates keeping the plinth and motor mount in the same place relative to one another. For your use, you could just make an isolation platform and plop your TT on top, done and done!
Very often, the table reacts not to the up/down movement of the floor, but to its horiontal - left/right movement.  You can eliminate this by placing a piece of appropriate size wood to affix the table to the wall behind it.  You'd be surprised at how helpful this can be.
@stringreen  Agreed. The table is actually butting hard against the wall with no free movement for that very reason. I have no footfall issues. I just feel that the oak table is picking up acoustic energy and transferring it back to the plinth. That is why I want to remove it.
On another related note, I know it's not the best to have the turntable between the speakers. If I moved it to the listening chair, wouldn't it still pick up sound? Or is it to help imaging by having nothing in between the speakers?
It's the second part mostly.. an open area between the speakers is supposed to increase depth and imaging. Though I'd imagine the sound waves would be stronger between the speakers than nearer the listening position as well. I, of course, break that rule with a console and a TV between my speakers. But that's how it goes sometimes.