Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Most people here are operating 50 to 100 years or more in the past, in their day to day psychology and overall psychological basis.

I simply grabbed one single story from today, Oct 3, 2017. there will probably be at least a few more. Just for today.

Breaking the rules: Heavy chemical elements alter theory of quantum mechanics

And that article in emergent science ’changes everything’. As stated, there’s likely a thousand more like it in just the past 5 years.

On average, people are woefully behind mentally. Somewhere in the freaking dark ages. Science is moving so fast right now....that it is changing nearly by the hour. I kid you not.

The esoteric is, by fundamental necessity...going mainstream. We’re still doing the hard science but what it is saying -- is purely esoteric.

But the individual parts to electronics are getting better, faster, more reliable.....caps, resistors, etc....
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