Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo

HI fellow ’goners.
I own the Shahinians, thinking of upgrading to the Treos. The Obelisks sound a little smallish for the room... And the room is not square, it's a big living area of a house, with access to the second floor's roof. 
Will this be an upgrade or just a sideward move?
Room approx 60m2, driven by Musical Fidelity A5.5, 250wpc at 8Ohm (thinking of replacing this one too).
Mostly jazz and acoustic music, less frequently - classical and pop.

I remember the Shahinian's from long ago. It is a nice speaker.
The Vandersteen is a whole different animal. In my opinion, Vandersteen's will smoke them.
I own the Treo's with a pair of 2w subs and use an Atma-Sphere MA-1 and MP-3 with an Ayre Codex and couldn't be happier.
Your Musical Fidelity amp should have enough power, but I am unfamiliar with their sound. All I can say is when I switched out from a McCormack DNA-1 and preamp to the Atma's, everything came alive. ( I had Steve McCormack upgrade the DNA-1 to monoblocks, so I will have a shoot out soon, and, yes, he knows what he's up against.)
Thanks for your response. I used to have Vandy 3A Sig, and they were nice speakers. However, when I moved to another home, their sound was less than satisfactory. I bought open- baffle speakers and they sounded fine, but I am in a totally new home now, and the OB speakers sound like cr*p. Shahinians sound much better, but I exoect some better performance from the Vandees, as the Obelisks, like I said, are smallish for the cubature of the current home...