Thiel 02 speakers owned since 93. Though I've moved on to many other speakers, floor standers and standmounts, I can not get rid of the 02s because they re-ignited my interest in high end audio (they were my girlfriends-now-wife). They have a magic that still serves as a benchmark for me.
Other than that: custom built tube pre-amp from mid 90's, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 amps from 2000. Spendor 3/5s bought in 2001 still doing duty as TV speakers, and occasionally take up residence in my 2 channel system.
Other than that: custom built tube pre-amp from mid 90's, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 amps from 2000. Spendor 3/5s bought in 2001 still doing duty as TV speakers, and occasionally take up residence in my 2 channel system.