Missing shipment

I recently made a purchase for $860 for a used item from a private seller. The seller shipped USPS Priority Mail. USPS tracking says that it was delivered. It was not by my door that day or for the next 3 days. This is the very first time in my many years of buying/selling that a package has gone missing. I live in a safe neighborhood. The seller did not insure it. We did not discuss insurance. I assumed that he would do so since $860 is a significant sum. He has 100% positive feedback – as do I. I’ll be filing a ’missing mail’ report with the USPS in the hopes that it will be located. But, since it wasn’t insured, will I be stuck with this loss?
"BTW ,insurance covers for damage, not for a delivery that was shown being delivered!"

Check the USPS website. It states that the insurance is to protect against loss or damage. Also, with at least $200 insurance, a signature is required for delivery.

I never ship or agree to receive anything of value without insurance. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Seriously, that's on the seller. If the seller had insured the item for the stated value a signature would be required. If the seller had spent a couple of bucks on signature confirmation there would have been no issue. There's also a geo-tracking option on the new scanners the USPS uses for delivery that in concert with Google Earth will show where delivery was effected.

Paypal will back you up. If there's no signature, delivery cannot be proven. The seller took the course of saving a few bucks. That's not on you. Have the seller file a claim for the $50 that Priority automatically includes and ask for a full refund while he pursues his claim. I handle this type of stuff all the time. I'm a Postmaster.
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Go to all of your neighbors and ask.Just last week this happened with a coworker,he ordered guitar pickups..that day a different mail carrier was working..my buddy happened to see it at the front porch of a neighbor .it had been there for 3 days!..those neighbors always went in thru their garage and never saw it.