Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit.

Based on accounts of the Gungnir sounding more "mellow" than the Yggdrasil,  and reports that the latter takes months to deliver, I've switched my order.
i currently own a vintage Theta Pro Prime DAC that similarly has a more "romantic" presentation, and think I'll be happier with the Gungnir.  From what I've read, it's close to the Yggy in terms of definition, and for the price it's remarkable. (Although price was not a prime consideration.)
I'll have 15 days to change my mind.  That's barely enough break in time to make an informed decision, but it'll have to do.
Any opinions?
Why not contact Schiit and get their input on your problem with the Gungy? 
They might just have an answer.
This thing sounds fantastic in anything other than classical.
Great in a lot of classical, too.
What a dilemma!
In a previous post I should have said I’m not a technoCRAT, not technoPHOBE.
I probably am the latter.
Your Theta DAC was a pro audio style device. It output 9 volts on RCA and 18 volts on XLR.

You are experiencing the limitation of consumer grade gear.

Pro audio gear generally has much higher line level signal levels which allow the devices to exceed the performance of consumer grade gear (better signal to noise and better dynamics).

Some manufacturers of consumer DACs use pro audio grade designs (like ARC) but Schiit Gungy does not. It has the same output signal level as standard consumer electronics.