Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?

I read that a lot of people on this forum use Tidal etc. Is this ok from audiophile perspective? I mean, do people who use such services actually know what quality is streamed? Don’t you lose all control over your music when you surrender to streaming services?

As Shadorne has said, some DACs display the incoming signal. The bottom line is what type of sound quality you can get from your rig. I can get sensational sound quality from steaming Tidal's upper quality service through ROON.

But, to get the most out of it you need to work with ROON's digital engine settings.

I have heard some MQA demos and I'm not terribly impressed. Pretty overblown imo.

My streamer, Auralic Aries Mini, displays the sampling rate of anything playing on the Lightning DS app so i always know. And direct comparisons to my own ripped files and Tidal have mostly been about even, where I start to see differences is when one version is a better master. i.e. I may have ripped a K2 version of a cd and Tidal doesn't have the K2 my version may sound better. Other than that it's a wash.
Also not sure what "lose control of all your music" means? All of "my" music is at my fingertips on a NAS drive and I can play anything I want from Tidal as well.  I would call that much better "control" of my music and much more convenience.
Tidal is fantastic.  Tidal is also a good tool to find new vinyl, listen before you buy.