Low output gain amplifier for ZU 101db Efficient speakers

I am thrilled with my new Rogue RP-5 preamp. However, like I mentioned before, the tube Hiss is really loud (I can hear back of room). It’s a smooth, non noisy hiss. I chatted with Rogue and they are sending replacement tubes but guess it’s due to my Nuforce STA200 amp with output gain of 34db. I was told that was quite high for having such efficient speakers. Rogue told me they test their equipment on high efficiency Klipsch speakers and the RP5 is quiet.

Anyway, I have attenuators coming today to help until I now find a power amp. I would love to have an Atma-Spere amp, however, they are too pricey for my budget (even used). Maybe a used Firstwatt f3 or these Quicksilver monoblock amps that are made for high efficient speakers http://quicksilveraudio.com/products/horn-mono/

The lower priced Decware amps look nice, plus they have gain settings.

For those who own high efficiency speakers with a tube pre, any other options? I really hate to switch out the RP-5 because it has all the functions available on the remote and it sounds great.

Last week one buddy loaned me his First Watt M2, another loaned me his Schiit Freya preamp. Using both now on my Zu. Dead quiet. And I can open the volume all the way (with some quiet ditties) with the louder gain tube option, ergo has a built in governor of sorts. The combo btw sure is tasty. 
That Nuforce amp has a real low input sensitivity of only .45 volts. The amp is the problem, not the preamp!
That still does not explain the loud hiss  and buzz  thru headphones. If the amo comes back with everything “ok”, ill just sell it and move on 
Take a look at FInale Audio / Triode labs

made in North America. Very high sound quality for dollar.