What makes you build a system around an amplifier?

Serious question. I almost always care about the room and speakers first, then build around that. However, this is not the only way to do things.

If you have ever insisted on keeping your amplifier, but were willing to change everything else around it, please let us know why. What made an amp so outstanding in your mind that it was worth making it your center piece. Imaging? slam?

Be specific about the amp and speakers or other gear that you shuffled through.


I’ve never had an amp I felt that way about, but: I would keep and design around an amplifier if it had high input impedance, several taps to accommodate different output impedances, at least average wattage, and good gain. If class A/B, I want to know at what point it leaves class A. I also want to know how much it weighs, a heavy amp makes me think lots of effort has been put into the power supply. Oh, I would want the ps shielded from other parts of amp.


Why is it that you do not list your Hifi rig here @ A'Gon?
