I have joined in the ZYX Family

Funny how change comes about. I’ve been intending to get a tube preamp for years 10-12 years. Instead, I got a tube amp which sounds great. . Tube amp with SS preamp sounds GREAT. FWIW, the SS Preamp was a Stereophile Class A Conrad Johnson PFR. So, its not like I was shooting in the dark. The PFR is a really good preamp. And the Bob Latino ST-70 seems to be a great fit along with the Silverline Sonatas. So I set out to get my turntable up to its optimum. I have a Teres 340 which has an Origin Live Illustrious 3 with Benz Ebony L cartridge. I put the OL Illustrious on it as a temporary arm. I figured the Teres deserved much better. But Maybe I am wrong. It sounds great. However, being an audiophile, I can’t leave it alone. So I set out to get a new tonearm worthy of the Teres 340. But then someone reminds me that a cartridge will make more difference than a tonearm upgrade, especially since the tonearm is a pretty good one. . So I consider the idea and come across a ZYX 4D for a good price. Thank you Raulirigueus(sp) for the idea. In the process, I saved some $$$ too. I’ve wanted a ZYX for quite some time. NOW, I see what all the fuss is about. This cartridge is fabulous. Next up is to clean the electric. Oneac seems to be a good way to go. But, who knows. My plans often go sideways. But I’ve really made some big steps forward thanks to some good advice and the good Lord above who over rules my ignorance. FWIW I often pity those who miss the beauty of good music. I love it. Thanks for your help along the way.

Dear chakster,

1. premise : all exotic cantilevers are brittle (boron,saphire and

beryllium). Because of this property  they will shatter if one

would try to pressure fit a stylus in them.

2. premise : the advantage of aluminum as cantilever material is

that a stylus can be pressure fitted such that an better connection

can be reached between both parts. Something to do with ''rigidity''.

To put this otherwise: glue between stylus and cantilever is not

a good idea in the mentioned sense: rigidity.

How difficult is it to deduce conclusion from those two premises?

Is it possible that this genius solution which nobody considered

is a piece of aluminum tube in which the stylus is pressure fitted.

In addition this may explain whay no glue can be seen. However

do you have the right to call your cantilever ''boron'''. There is

an aluminum tube behind the boron part and also in front of

the boron part (aka ''the nose''). Those are two versus one.

Now the Technics 205 styli kinds. I am not sure if I used quantor

''all'' or ''most''. Anyway I said nothing about oher kinds.

I hope I used the expression ''most'' such that your sample or

samples by coincidence have had good suspension.

I owned two 205 mk 3 styli neither of which could be fixed by

Axel nor by the guy from the ''styli clinic''(?). The difference was

that Axel charged nothing but this American charged $100.

BTW my intention was exactly ''the same'' as Don's: to warn

my co-members.

Andy completely fu***ed up jpjones technics 100c mk4 and he's definitely is not the right person to deal with. 

Axel's price for refurbishing was up to 400 euro to replace the whole system aka cantilever/stylus and new suspension. 

Nakatsuka-San patented so many innovations for his ZYX carts, i think the cantilever construction is one of them. 

At the same time Noriyuki Miyajima stated that Boron cantilever does not make his Shilabe or Kansui cartridge any better, but in the latest Madake he use exotic Bamboo cantilever with alluminum collar. Cross Ring was his patent. 
Someone made the point that he has seen UNIverse cartridges for sale on-line, even here on Audiogon, from vendors other than Sorasound and for discount prices.  Please show me those ads.  All ads for sale of UNI cartridges that I have seen here and elsewhere were for second-hand items, sometimes described as "demo" or "traded in by customer after very short home demo" by the very high end dealers (other than Sorasound) who advertise them, and yes, those are discounted.  Is it possible that actually new cartridges are sold as "demo" to justify the discount, when sales are otherwise slow?  It sure is.  But only by Sorasound so far as I know.

Also, Sorasound is US distributor for ZYX, I think.  On that basis, he would be entitled to "distribute" cartridges to other dealers, even new ones.  There are indeed a few others who sell NOS ZYX cartridges but none in my experience that sell the UNI line.

Finally, the UNI II was hailed as a major upgrade over the original UNI, based partly on its more "open" body structure compared to the original.  I wonder could it be that the UNI II design was stimulated by complaints, such as those mentioned above, about the non-repairability of the original UNI, due to its closed body structure?  I've never heard a UNI II, and so I have no idea if it is really superior sonically to the original, except for the testimony of others.  I would be tempted to buy a documented low mileage "demo" UNI II (wink, wink), if the price were palatable.

I used a Universe 2 for a little while - it is an excellent cartridge.  Its surprising how well the ZYX sounds in spite of the cheapie looking plastic casing they are mounted in.  

Good Listening

 Its surprising how well the ZYX sounds in spite of the cheapie looking plastic casing

there is only cheapie digital prints called manual, like those prints people can make on their home laser printer and put the m together using stapler. What is on the cartridge is the same kind of cheapie printing, covered by clear plastic layer. I'm pretty sure it is not important for many and it's a matter of teste, but none of the TOTL cartridges from the 70s and 80s sold for many thousands dollars looks so cheap. I love the oldschool style of packaging with narural wood, jewelry boxes, top quality booklets (offset prints of the highest quality) that just looks real and stylish. For $8000 cartridge it can be a good bonus.