No Output from left channel on Primaluna Dialogue HP
Was wondering to query the hive mind before I sat down and tried to figure this one out myself.
See if anyone had thoughts on how to go about resolving the issue.
I lost output from the left channel on my Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated the other day.
I hadn't turned the amp on since Hurricane Irma came through. One night during Irma, I had a few power surges that happened. I was worried the tube amp would suffer, despite having it connected to a power conditioner, so I switched my amplification to an older SS amp. Turned the tube amp off, and haven't turned it back on since.
Well, I finally had time to reconnect everything last night only to realize the left channel has zero output. Right channel working fine. I meticulously identified the amplifier as the cause.
-I'm not getting any red lights for bad tubes. Despite this, I changed out almost all tubes to confirm. Still no output.
Anyone have any thoughts as to the source? Fuse blown? Something worse?
Any fixes I should investigate?
Current tubes available are 8 KT150 power tubes, 6 Cifte signal tubes, and all the original primaluna tubes.