Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.

Any Magico Owners or Dealers or Folks or anyone that may have some basic advice, ideas or feedback from hearing or seeing in a friends, dealers system or owned older version of Magico or something like or anything really that can help me? How are yours or theirs set up? The smallest moves makes huge changes and I am coming from speakers that are so very different so any and all feedback would so welcomed.

I CAN EMAIL YOU PICS of Room / Set up / Etc  fsmthjack at YAH00



ROOM:                         24 x 14 with cathedral ceilings 
MUSIC:                        Good mix - no hard metal / large orchestra and the like
LOUDNESS:                normal levels - just loud enough to sound best
SPEAKERS                  Magico S5 Speakers
AMP:                            Pass Labs X350.5 Amp
SOURCE:                     Bricasti M1SE DAC
TRANSPORT:               mircoRendu 1.4 w/Full suite of Uptone Audio products
CABLES                       HiDiamond Full Loom 
CONDITIONER            HiDiamond HDX2
SUBWOOFERS           (2) Sumiko S.9 Subs (hoping not needed with new Magico's) 

Thanks guys - I am kind of lost here and any help or feedback to get me heading in the right directions would be so appreciated.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Hi fsmithjack,

Saw that you posted that you are in Dallas on business until Wed. Albert Porter is in that area and I think he has his weekly audiophile get together on Tuesday evenings (?). Could be a good chance to experience the Purist cables FWIW.


I hear you, the emotions are a huge jump in price, way too rich for my blood.
Thanks dcockrum - little free time down here this time around but wish I could have hit him up - that would have been cool. 

Got a line on a pair of Cardas Clear Reflection - say just a bit warmer than the clears - thinking I'll give them a try 
Cables as EQ is what you are doing if the loudspeakers were of proper design the amplifier cable loudspeaker interface would be easy to optimize. But if a cable fetish is what this threads about I apologize and will let you all have at it. 
Pretty sure Magico is a well designed speaker, Pass Labs is a well designed amp and a Bricasti is a well designed DAC but my present speaker cables with this combo is bright - poor match -nothing too abnormal there in the Audiophile world - just looking for a better balance is all. No cable fetish here just trying to get some feedback from owners that may have first hand experience is all.