under $500 used which a/v receiver or processor

do audiophiles prefer? nad? rotel? marantz? denon? integra? b&k? others?
I think that the pre/pro route may be over your budget , for a decent one anyway . You may have better luck in the A/V receiver market .
You should be able to get a nice 5.1 , without HDMI , A/V receiver in the used market for $500 . If you want HDMI , Onkyo's entry level unit (605 ?) can be had within your budget , online new .

Good luck .
I second the Onkyo 605 for $399 at Amazon. In addition to HDMI connections it decodes the advanced audio formats (Dolby True HD and DTS-HD Master Audio). If you have, or plan on having a HD display, blu-ray, etc. in the future, you'll regret not having these features.
I have a five year aold Arcam AVR 200. It is an ss intergrated rated at 85 wpc, but definitely drives harder than that. Very good power management. It has DD, DTS decoding, and 5.1 channels. I chsoe it over the Denon 3910 (3901?) and have been real, real pleased with it. I usually see them for around $500 here.
in terms of a more detailed and accurate presentation; which brand do you prefer b&k, nad or marantz?
wait a little longer and save up for the Integra. its the best thing out there at that price level. For $850.00 brand new you can get a 6.8. It's got 3 HDMI in/out, 1080p, 7.1, has 3 zone capability, its THX certified, has Dolby True HD, and independent block construction. Also is XM/Sirius capable.