Has anyone changed any capacitors on a Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated?

And if so, what did you end up liking? 
Jbhiller-I recall here or AA have threads regarding cap replacement albeit, older PL models.

Have you exhausted 2 free tweaks-speaker placement and room setup?

The resale value may be affected with such a mod?

I was just curious.  I know some folks talked about doing it.  

I have exhausted those 2 free tweaks. I'm not tired with my system by any means.  I can easily leave well enough alone.  But depending on how the type of termination, axial, radial, etc., it could be easy to short the existing and alligator/jump in another set of coupling caps just to see.  

I have not inspected any of the PL models, but my memory is they were using Solens first, and then switched to Mundorfs.

I am by no means an authority.


"But depending on how the type of termination, axial, radial, etc., it could be easy to short the existing and alligator/jump in another set of coupling caps just to see."

My understanding, those 2 big Nichicon caps are the coupling caps. I can imagine the "boutique" caps are likely pricey. I read in another thread, there are a couple of resistors that could also be replaced with a "high end" model.

After hearing what a stock HP can sound like with really nice speakers and cables, I changed my mind on tweaky possiblities with my HP.