If you don't hear a difference then be happy. Chips have sound characteristics but it comes down to implementation such as the power supply, etc. already mentioned above. My friend recently compared two R2R Dacs, one tube DAC $7500 and one SS DAC $2500. The higher priced tube dac has a 30 lb power supply with top quality caps and resistors, chokes, copper chassis, etc. While the SS R2R was nice sounding, it could not reproduce what the tube DAC did in his system. I don't remember his exact words but the tube dac had a bigger soundstage, tone was better, details and layering was better, definition was better and it was quieter, etc., etc. Worth the extra money? That is up to what you want your system to sound like. For a casual listener maybe not, to a person who really values those attributes, probably.
He also tried the DACs direct into his amp and using a SS preamp. Without the preamp the details were amazing BUT with the preamp the soundstage was much larger. Again preferences.
So it really comes down to what you are hearing and how the DAC is designed. If you don't hear a difference than try something else or just be happy.
Happy Listening.