Swapping W4S to Pass Labs XA- worth it?

I currently own Wyred4Sound ST500 MkII powering my Golden Ear Triton 1s. 
Before it was Krell 400xi - and def felt W4S sounded much better -cleaner and (surprise) warmer. I am using it in HT setup or in separate "analog" path.
But upgrade bug is strong ))) and I read somewhere that GE uses Pass Labs XA in all demos.
I wonder if it worth to upgrade and will I felt improvements. Speakers are 92 db sensitivity, and low bass is powered.
Have anyone compared W4S mk II and Pass Labs XA 30.5 or 30.8 (I cannot afford more powerful Pass amps)?
The only measurement concern I have is iinput impedance (30K for Pass vs 100K for W4S), as I will drive ( driving) them directly from CD player/DAC.
But more importantly - will there be serious difference in sound quality. Did anyone ever compared them both?
I do not have "golden ears", but for example when I swap various CD players/DACs I can hear often significant differences. With amps I simply do not have enough experience.
It's a no brainer.

If they can drive your speakers, I would go with the Class A Pass Labs. I think the 0.8 series have higher input impedances.
Just checked - output impedance of my CD player/preamp is 300 Ohm, so in theory 30K input results in 100 ratio, which should be OK, I hope. 
Wonder if anyone drove Triton One with XA30.5 (30.8)?
I've successfully used an XA30.5 with 85db speakers.

I'd have trouble thinking of any Pass and any W4S product even remotely in the same league.
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