Looking for a reasonably priced good quality interconnect

I’m looking for a quality interconnect to couple  my Oppo 105D player with my vintage CJ P11 preamplifier. I’m looking to spend in the low hundreds of dollars. 
I second DIY. I use solid core silver signal conductors, OCC neutral conductors and KLEI pure harmony solid silver connectors. I utilize a helix design (on all my cables, actually). Reasonably easy to make and less than $200 in materials. Most importantly, they sound incredible.

Here's a link to the helix design. It comes from williewonka, a member here.
I received a call from Mr. Morrow, offering me some perks to try out the cables.
So I decided to go ahead with the order and see what happens.
Sorry for all the indecision.

+ 1 on the Cerious rec great cables for the money and Bob Grost is great to deal with. And certainly the DIY route is a good idea if you have the expertise, all thumbs here. Good luck!
I visited Morrow's Audio Records shop a couple of weeks ago. Very nice. Mike has a lineup of Legacy Speakers on one wall. Not sure if it's the same now, but for years Mike's cable operation was in his home and literally less than five miles from my home.

It sounds like Mike did you a solid! Enjoy the cables and let us know your findings.