Hey Jim,
You and I have sort of discussed this a few times. For me, the first if you wlll, step, is speakers and amplification. When a speaker is matched with the most suitable amplification, it can do it’s job best. But if the source is not up to the task, you will still have subpar sound.
I don’t think the speaker has to be the biggest part of the budget. I heard a system a few weeks back that the amp/pre was over twice the cost of the speakers and it sounded pretty amazing. It was Sabrina/Nagra Classic. Add an amazing source and you really have something. This is just a personal example, not meant to be an endorsement.
Now to questions 2 - 4.
2. First speakers were in around 1974 or 75. I mowed lawns and saved and bought my first stereo, an MCS receiver and tape deck with a pair of small two-way speakers given to me by my uncle. Upgraded to an all-MCS system a few years later. It sounded great in the store and great at home.
3. Kept them a few years.
4. my next system in the 80’s was bought based on listening and specs. Bought parts of it from a military catalog. I got lucky and it sounded pretty good.
My speakers/amplification first approach has come from my many years of going to shows and dealers. I’ve heard speakers sound mediocre with the wrong amplification and very good with more synergistic electronics. Or another way to say it is when speakers/amplification are well matched, you know what that sounds like. It is not so easy to mix-n-match these days with so many choices.
Most importantly, let YOUR ears be the guide. I’ve listened to others recommendations for systems (speakers/amp/source) and at least some of them I thought didn’t work together well at all.
You and I have sort of discussed this a few times. For me, the first if you wlll, step, is speakers and amplification. When a speaker is matched with the most suitable amplification, it can do it’s job best. But if the source is not up to the task, you will still have subpar sound.
I don’t think the speaker has to be the biggest part of the budget. I heard a system a few weeks back that the amp/pre was over twice the cost of the speakers and it sounded pretty amazing. It was Sabrina/Nagra Classic. Add an amazing source and you really have something. This is just a personal example, not meant to be an endorsement.
Now to questions 2 - 4.
2. First speakers were in around 1974 or 75. I mowed lawns and saved and bought my first stereo, an MCS receiver and tape deck with a pair of small two-way speakers given to me by my uncle. Upgraded to an all-MCS system a few years later. It sounded great in the store and great at home.
3. Kept them a few years.
4. my next system in the 80’s was bought based on listening and specs. Bought parts of it from a military catalog. I got lucky and it sounded pretty good.
My speakers/amplification first approach has come from my many years of going to shows and dealers. I’ve heard speakers sound mediocre with the wrong amplification and very good with more synergistic electronics. Or another way to say it is when speakers/amplification are well matched, you know what that sounds like. It is not so easy to mix-n-match these days with so many choices.
Most importantly, let YOUR ears be the guide. I’ve listened to others recommendations for systems (speakers/amp/source) and at least some of them I thought didn’t work together well at all.