What is the ideal volume setting?

As every CD seems vary in terms of maximum and minimum loudness, I find that I have to play a good ways into a disc before I find the ideal volume dial setting to get the most out of the music. This is very disconcerting as I usually have to start the disc all over after I find the best setting.  I wonder if anyone else experiences this.
I listen mostly to classical.  I don’t know if the same applies to other types of music. 
I’m sure you realise that with classical there is minimal compression as compared to other CD’s. Much better dynamic range, so a soft passage can build to an extremely loud crescendo. And then the closely miked brass can kick in.
So for me, I sometimes need to reset the VC.
You’re so right, lowrider57.
The worst part is by the time you’ve found the best setting you’re sometimes in the middle of the piece, so it’s best to start over to get the proper continuity.
And Since I have a vintage preamp, I don’t use a remote control.  
It’s good exercise though!
It's easy enough to address this problem, but it will take some effort.  Rip each CD to a computer and use any one of the readily available audio programs to find the maximum recording level peak.  Set your volume for this peak level and mark each CD for future reference.  It should take less than 3 minutes per CD.