Who has the oldest speakers?

When my older brother came home from the service in 1971, he had a very large Pioneer stereo system. It came with some very large floorstanding speakers. I don't see him very often, but I saw him last month and to my surprise, he still has the same system, with the same speakers and believe it or not, it sounds great. He takes really good care of the system and it is in immaculate shape. That makes those speaker about 30 years old, more or less.

How about you guys?
Iam building a Phonograph with a edison 1899 theater horn things a bit larger than my standard straight 1905 edison.Have 5 edison horns and a few others plus many modern horns.They rock, funny how good the old gear was.I can see why folks didnt upgrade much till after WW2 those old windups and tube radios sounded very nice .I would love to see a pic of your set up.Iam working on a website for fall.Will have many crazy pics and links. http://www.audiocrafters.guild.com/Xtreme/xtreme.htm
I have the JBL Dorian 56. I think they are from around 1967. They have the LE175 Alnico horn tweeter, LX10 crossover & the LE 14A Alnico woofer.Yes, I'm into tubes.These speakers & tubes are a match made in heaven.They allow me to listen to music, rather than equiptment. Well, now you have my two cents!Take care
I have a set of Wharfedale W-90s made in 1964 that are emaculate and sound wonderfull.
OHM Ls I bought in 1978 that I recently refurbished.

The cabinets on my OHM F-5s are refurbished OHm F cabinets. Chances are these are a tad older even, perhaps from the mid 70s.